DARWIN PLUS DPSL high temperature bent hose with 45°, 90° and 135° bends perfectly funct...
LEARN MORE High strength DARWIN PLUS DPSII heater hose that ensures long-term accident-free operation on straig...
LEARN MORE Silicone hoses DARWIN PLUS DPSIR type are used in CAC systems (also known as “Hump hose...
LEARN MORE DARWIN PLUS DPSIH - hump silicone hoses (also known as “Hump hose”) are used in air inta...
LEARN MORE DARWIN PLUS silicone hoses of type DPSIS and DPSIV. Pressure-suction hoses (corrugated) with textile...
LEARN MORE DARWIN PLUS DPSLV angle silicone hoses with stainless steel spring with or without side branch pipe ...
LEARN MORE Rubber elbow hoses DARWIN PLUS DPEL (EPDM), DPAL (AEM) and DPNL (NBR) with 45°, 90° and 135&...
LEARN MORE Straight fuel hoses are used in the fuel lines of passengercars and as clamped hoses in all fuel s...
LEARN MORE DARWIN PLUS hoses based on EPDM, AEM, NBR & HNBR rubber used for original equipments/industria...