Dear partners!
Fair and open competition only encourages us to become better. But, unfortunately, not all companies behave decently towards their partners.
Some companies in the Russian market, without trade or partnership with the DARWIN PLUS trademark, use the #darwinplus hashtag on social networks (in instagram, etc.) and distribute false information among our partners and buyers that DARWIN PLUS does not have its own production sites , is now closing its activities on the Russian market and selling off its stocks.
The DARWIN PLUS trademark is a reliable supplier of conveyors for the leading enterprises of Russia - GK GAZ, LiAZ, PAZ, UralAZ, KZ Rostselmash, Petersburg Tractor Plant, Concern Tractor Plants, Uralmash, oil and gas production enterprises LUKOIL, ROSNEFT, BKE and many others.
The production sites of the ShreeGee under the DARWIN PLUS trademark in India are regularly checked by the auditors of our consumers, they are annually visited by delegations of our partners from various industries. (in December 2019 at our enterprises there was a delegation of 15 agricultural enterprises from the Saratov region and the Republic of Crimea. Details of the trip on the website, as well as in the newspaper Krestyansky Dvor, archive 2019 # 48 and # 49. For our partners and consumers, online broadcasts of master classes on product quality, testing of manufactured products and introduction with production technologies are held.
To obtain reliable information, please contact our sales department in India 91-121-2664391-92 , and in Russia +7 (495) -792-99-82,